Friday, March 4, 2022

My "Jacob Book" is written

So I submitted my "Jacob Book" to a publisher a couple of months ago, and found out recently that they want to publish it. (Insert squeeling, screaming, and few tears of joy here). 

Something I've been talking (threatening) to do for years now, is about to come to fruition. But what that means is that I've been going through old blog posts re-reading my posts about what life with Jacob was like in the early years. 

I'm not going to lie. There were times I cried. And there were moments where I had to stop work to give myself a breather from the emotions coursing through my mind and my body. 

To say that this book is emotional, is a massive understatment.  But when I look at Jacob's face, and watch him interract with others, I know that no matter the emotional toll, this story HAS to be written. 

It HAS to. 
People need to see that Down syndrome is not something to dread or be afraid of. 

 It's a joy.

A blessing. 

The hardest thing I've ever done. The hardest thing my FAMILY has ever done. 

Worth every minute.

I often find myself unaffected by the little things in life. Because I've already endured the big ones. All too often I say, "It's all good." or "It is what it is." 

Because life IS what you make of it. 

And Jacob reminds me each and every day that there is so much beauty in life, if you will look for it. If you will take a moment to count your blessings and embrace the glorious messiness of humanity.

It took months to submit my book to the editor. It was so much harder than anything else I've written. And I've written more than a dozen books already. But hopefully, in the rawness of my story, you will see the beauty, and the love, and the hope.

I will keep you posted. 

Life is good. 

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