Monday, December 17, 2018

Early Christmas Presents

Today I picked Jacob up from school and his teacher met me at the sidewalk with three bags in her hands. "These are his Christmas gifts.  One was a donation from a nearby church. The other two..." she shook her head apologetically. "He chose them. I swear!" She shrugged and rolled her eyes. 

I thanked her profusely for the gifts, and ushered my kids back to the car, thinking nothing more of the comment.

When we got home, Jake snatched the gift with his name on it and ripped it open before I could get it under the tree.  Nerf guns and candy.  No wonder he was excited! 

I peeked inside and furrowed my brows before pulling out a leather day-planner from one bag, and a hand-made tissue holder in the other.  I looked at my daughter, and she looked back at me, equally puzzled. 

Jacob stopped playing commando with his Nerf gun and walked over to me, took the day-planner,  and nudged it toward my chest, indicating it was for me.  Then he did the same with the tissue holder.  He smiled briefly before returning to his Nerf gun and taking off toward the cat making shooting noises.

I stared after him, then at the gifts. He picked those gifts out for me? 

My heart swelled as I thought back over the last four weeks of sneezing and runny noses because of my allergies to our new cat.  He'd often brought me tissue whenever I sneezed. Had he thought of me when he saw the tissue container at school?

But the day-planner? Maybe he saw the two calendars I have on the wall next to my desk or the shelf of tabbed folders for each project I'm working on. Or maybe he just associated it with books because I have hundreds of them in my bookshelf, along with binders for my mystery game business, novels I'm editing, or half-written novels I'm writing.

I don't know what was going through Jacob's mind when he chose those two gifts. But he was clearly thinking of me. 

For the briefest of moments, I realized there is much more going on in that little mind of his than I give him credit for.  Though he may still be non-verbal, he is very aware of us. Of me. Of his family, and all those he loves and cares about. 

As he drifted off to sleep tonight, I hugged him extra tight and thanked him for his gifts.  He held up his hand, dropped the middle two fingers, and signed "I love you" before rolling over and closing his eyes.

This year, I got the most amazing early Christmas gift: Hope.

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