Jake had is fourth birthday on Saturday (Wahoo!) and it was surprisingly low-key. What I love about this age is that there are no real expectations from the little ones. He didn't care that I bought him a cake. He didn't care that the gifts never actually got wrapped - he liked playing with the bags for days afterwards.
He LOVED the car we bought him. It had buttons for him to push that created sounds and flashing lights on the top of the hood, then the car moved forward - fast if he was on the linoleum. The sounds drove the rest of the family crazy, but I think that was part of the mystique for Jake.
And, of course, a magic microphone to help encourage his speech.
Like I said: Low key, but nice.
Tuesday we dressed him up in his knight costume and the little ones went trunk or treating at our church. He's been munching on candy all week. I will be soooooooo happy when the candy is gone!
And yesterday, I got to see Josh, Jake's NICU buddy - also with Down syndrome, who was born the day after Jake. Josh and his mom came to town and we got to spend a little over an hour catching up with one another as Josh had his monthly chemo and check-up.
I am so lucky to know Marla and Josh. Not only because they're a great family, but how many people have the opportunity to have a child nearly the EXACT same age as your own to kind of guage things off of? I can look at Josh and realize that he's a much better talker than Jake, but Jake is taller and bigger (probably due to genetics and the drugs from the cancer). Both of us are going through potty training right now, and have discovered that both boys are doing it backwards from our other kids - mastering pooping in the toilet first, then peeing. Who knew???
It's been a great reminder that we're all in the same boat, our kids do things a little differently, and sometimes slower than non Ds kids, but we're all getting it. And, really, would you want it any other way? Nope. Not me. I love Jake just the way he is. He enriches my life in so many ways that I wouldn't have experienced if he didn't have Trisomy 21. He makes me a better mother. A better person. And that's what it's all about, right? Being the best person you can be. Sigh. Life is good. :)
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