Monday, February 11, 2013

2 Year Anniversary! How Time Flies

I nearly fell out of my chair a couple weeks ago when my 17-year-old posted on Facebook that it was Jacob's 2-year anniversary for his heart surgery.

Had it already been 2 years?  Really?  I feels like it was just a few months ago. But then I began watching my little boy and all he can do, and realize that yes, indeed, our little boy is growing up!

Jacob is now 2 years, 4 months and 3 days old, but whose counting?

Aside from his heart surgery 2 years ago, he has only had two surgeries - twice putting tubes in his ears, one of those included removing his adenoids.  We've been pretty doggoned lucky with our little boy considering all the things that CAN go wrong, but haven't. 

After 2 solid months of crying, he finally took to his on-site therapies and is now pushing me out the door so he can play with his 'girlfriend'.  I'm told they spend much of their time giving each other hugs and playing with one another whenever the opportunity arises.

After months of agonizing about whether or not Jacob was going to communicate with us in ANY way, he has finally found the need to communicate via sign language about a month ago.  He now knows 12 signs and is FINALLY beginning to babble a little bit. 

Our physical therapist claims that he is lagging physically in things like throwing a ball, playing catch and walking backward.  Jake just looks at me and smiles because we both know he's an expert at basketball, soccer, and throwing tennis balls at his big brother's eye.  Likewise, if he finds my cellphone laying around, he's able to grab the phone, run backwards at break-neck speed to make sure I'm not following, then turn mid-stride to sprint forward to safety with phone in hand, giggling all the way in his mischievous little voice.  Yeah.  We're not too concerned about this one.

Don't let those big brown eyes fool you!  He's a crafty little one!!!  Stay tuned for new Jacob stories.  The little rugrat is on the loose - and giggling every step of the way!!


The Allreds


  1. Hooray! We are so proud of Jacob. (And good job family for supporting him)

  2. Thanks! It's always nice to take a step back at the milestones and see how far he's come. How is Joshua? Is he doing any better?
