Wednesday, August 18, 2010

3 Reasons Why Having a Child With Down Syndrome at This time is Good For Us

It has been interesting  to see the reaction of those I tell about Baby Jacob's heart defect and Downs Syndrome.  So many people act with such dismay, sadness, and a few with horror.  How sad, I think, that they should think of our child's birth defects as a punishment or some big travesty.  All I've been able to think about, after the first day, were all of the blessings I've had in relation to this one change in our lives.

Jacob at 38 weeks gestation.  Jake has Down syndrome and a heart defect
Jacob at 38 weeks 

1.  Doctors.  Wow.  Could you imagine our family facing all of these pending medical issues - heart surgery, specialists, etc. in Lewiston, ID??????? NO WAY!!! There are many things I loved about Lewiston, but their hospitals were one of my biggest fears.  I did not want any major 'events' occurring in Lewiston because I knew that their hospitals were horrible.  I am so extremely blessed to have found Dr. Zweisler (I went through every OBGYN in Lewiston) on the first try, he does his deliveries at Sacred Heart (a hospital that specializes in hearts), he has referred me to an amazing assortment of specialists, and I know that if anything happens, me and baby Jacob are in superb hands.  Wow...what a blessing.

2.  Timing.  Not only do I have two older children who are more like parents to Courtney (and soon Jacob) than siblings, but they are incredibly responsible, and have spent the last 11 years at the apt. complex designated for people with disabilities.  Jacob is not a disaster to them.  He's just a little brother who is going to have a few extra problems.  KC is in a stable job that pays well, and the timing was just PERFECT for me to be able to sell AC Bouquet.  Everything in my life seems to be falling into place just perfectly so that we can concentrate more on family and the trials and struggles, the joys and the blessings that lay before us.

One of three reasons why having a child with Down syndrome at this time is good for us
The three older siblings, waiting for Jacob to be born.  He's so happy to have them in his family!

3.  K.C.  It seems that now, more than ever, KC and I have more love for one another than any time in our relationship.  It's been a long time coming, but we're finally at that point in our relationship where we're rock solid.  They say that 80% of all couples who have a disabled child born to them end up divorced.  Looks like we'll be proving marriage statistics wrong AGAIN!  He's my rock and my best friend.  I don't think I could possibly want anyone else on this Earth by my side as we begin this journey. 

4.  And the list goes on.....don't be surprised if I add to this later :)

Donate to Down Right Living - a non-profit organization for families touched by Trisomy 21

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